
A blog for the Mt Lawley Stitch'n'Bitchers. If you're in Perth, WA, and you like to knit, crochet or just gossip— or if you want to learn how— come down to Exomod in Mt Lawley every Monday from 7.30pm and catch some crafty action! Email Clementine for more info: indienial (at) gmail (dot) com

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

cocky cozy

love it.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spider_Knit tagged me

So, um... I have no idea how to put the link in fancy like so click on Spider_Knits in the side bar and go to her blog :)

The Rules: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. Before moving in with my now husband I had never owned a computer or used one regularly outside of the workplace. Now it is unusual if I haven’t turned my computer on to check Ravelry, ebay, emails, log into my games etc. Suffice to say I’m now addicted to my computer and the Internet. I understand some geek speak which regularly freaks me out because I don’t actually consider myself a geek (yet).

2. I use to be a (volunteer) member of the Melville/East Fremantle State Emergency Service. The guys called me bossy and a little obsessive about processes – can’t understand why?!?!

3. My 2 favourite ice-cream flavours are – Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Baskin-Robbins) and Ultra Choc (Sara Lee). There’s a reason for my waist line, and I’m not giving up the chocolate!

4. I won a limbo competition when I was 12, the prize was a scenic helicopter ride. Given the choice, I would not ride in helicopter again.

5. I am left handed.

6. When moving back to WA from Victoria the bus stopped at a fish and chip place on the coast in South Australia for tea. The vinegar bottle had been filled with mentholated spirits by someone at the shop. a) Metho tastes worse than it smells. b) The taste stays in your mouth for hours no matter what you have to try and get rid of it. c) I got a refund on my fish and chips.

7. My husband tells people he lives in a craft shop because my UFO’s are scattered through out the house – and I’m not just talking knitting here.

8. I can partially dislocate both my shoulders on que.

I have no idea who to tag so - anyone here who hasn't been tagged yet!?!?!?!

Bub news

He doesn't want to come out yet, but we do have an induction date on Dec 4th. So I should be at SnB on Monday

Sunday, November 25, 2007

this is a great colorway!

so many yarns, so little time.
still waiting for bub.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

for the wall....

this would be cool on the wall....

still waiting to have this baby.....come out, come out!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Knittery

oh yum! I received my Knittery order a couple of days ago. I give you Merino 4-ply in 'earth'. Yes, I know, the picture sucks.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

kool aid

For some reason, blogger won't let me comment on the last post. Can you bring the kool-aid packets in on Monday so we can see the colors?

Cheapest Kool-Aid yet...

How does 50c per packet sound?

Where? you cry. Um, you'll never guess. At Station Street Markets in Subiaco there is an El Salvadorean food stand selling pupusas and enchiladas and empanados (drool) and nachos and tacos. It has recently expanded to include a small range of central American foodstuffs. Cans of refried beans, and, um, to my surprise, imitation Kool-Aid. Awesome stuff. I was asking if it was for sale or display (it was part of a carefully curated arrangement of drygoods) and the lady told me "uh-huh. It's Kool-Aid." I can't remember the name of it, but it's definitely sugar-free (I deciphered the back of the packet, which is all in Spanish). Sold in packs of 10 (2 packets each of five colours/ flavours) for $5.00.
Should've seen the lady's face when I told her I used it as a dye.

If anyone ever wants some, I'm at the markets every week and happy to pick some up.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


So Clem and I took a trip to Crossways since she doesn't have access to a yarn store (I was going to put "good yarn store" but lets face it she doesn't have a yarn store) back home. We get there to discover... they now stock ROWAN YARNS!!!!!!! Clem squeed, I stared in amazement and we both dove in. The lovely ladies also told Clem they do postage orders, which she was very happy to hear.

Friday, November 16, 2007

See that deadline...

You all know how I'm making a cute little blue rib/cable vest for a friend who is expecting a little boy? Well she was due last Friday, I was a little panicked on Monday at S'n'B because I hadn't even gotten through the ribbing on the bottom of the front panel. Well I'm now 2 cable repeats in and little Riccardo arrived last night.

I have some serious knitting to do, see you all tomorrow at Harp'n'Craft.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

elfin slippers

has anyone seen a pattern that results in something like this?


Vogue Knitting Fall 2006

Has anyone got this issue in their stash? I would like to look through it to see whether I want to purchase it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Knittery sale

The Knittery's Newsletter November 14, 2007

Our Merino 4ply is now on sale until sold out. We will replace this yarn with two new Merino/Nylon blend sock yarns (one slim, one chubby) which are now being spun at the mill and will be available by end of November. Stay tuned!

Happy Knitting!


The Knittery

I already purchased my skein of 'Earth' colorway.

going a bit crazy on the sock yarn lately

Harp 'n' Craft 'n' Secret Santa

It's been so long since I've posted on here that I had trouble remembering my password! In case you haven't had an email...

Harp 'n' Craft 12noon this Saturday 17th Nov
Art Gallery Cafe
Perth Cultural Centre
James Street Mall

Also, who's up for Secret Santa again this year? Let me know if you are and I'll try to organise something.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

another knit-along

So we were talking (the 4 of us that showed up) last night that we need to make a bit more of an effort to put things up on the blog so KnitConvict's mum has something to read (at work or not I cant remember).

Well I just found this and thought it was a good idea since the shawl used is in my favourites on Ravelry. Now I just have to learn lace.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Aussie Sock Yarn Club!

ooooooo, and you pay by the month.

I could definitely get into this.

Anyone going to the Rotary Craft Show in Subiaco on Sunday?

I would love to go, but it is supposed to be 36 that day, and I'm not sure if I will be able to handle it in my pregnant state. Did anyone go last year?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

oooo, eyeball yarn



Just what I don't need...

I got my Ravelry invite. My name is DrStip if anyone sees me on there.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

a most excellent lace scarf.

some pig

Friday, November 02, 2007

Not leaving, just elsewhere...

I've gotta tell you, people, be grateful for what you have. And by "what you have", I mean, "your local yarn stores". It's doing my head in! I miss rummaging around in Crossways! I miss S'n'B! Hell, I even miss writing those dumb reminders!

So as not to clog up this blog with my whinging, I've started a side-project. This means you can also find me at You Knit Where?!, my brand new blog. Let's hope I update that one a bit more regularly!